Sunday, May 25, 2008

I wonder what you guys think...

Well this one is inspired by a fellow commentor on my blog. He wanted me to check out his blog and he has a lot of stuff that is good. if you want to check it out. Anyways one of his blogs was addressing the gender agenda, like with Hiliary running for President. I know my opinion, what's yours? come on and comment....I like a little debate in life. I think the Bible gives some clear direction...let's see.


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, It was really good to receive your comment. Feel free to visit anytime, and I'll keep in touch with your posts. They are good reading. I agree with you, by the way. It seems part of the problem is that people value-judge certain jobs and roles as being better than others. Nurses are a perfect example! They sometimes actually save lives, and frequently help patient recovery either by applying their skills or simply comforting a patient, which is known to be a critical part of aiding recovery. But did you ever hear of a nurse being lauded and rewarded like a pro sportsman/woman. Yet which is most needed in life? And the things traditionally done by women, care of children, not to mention giving birth to them, are among the most critical things in making life livable. When people properly appreciate the things woman have always done, then it will not seem that they have to do all the 'men' things to be equal. They are already equally made in God's image. Keep in touch! Blessings.

Cindy Foote said...

Michelle! Yes! I got your blog comment and then I emailed you a LONG email! Our email is: Because of the "info" part it sometimes gets shuffled into people's spam filter. You might want to check there. I am in a rush right now to get Libby to Mother's Day Out. I'll write again later. It's SO GOOD to be in touch!