Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Grades....and LIfe

Ladies and Gentleman!
I took my first test this week. It was a long study and i was very nervous since i haven't been in school in quite a while. The information seemed overwhelming but i persisted and I made a 96 on my very first Medical Terminology Test! ( I also took an abbreviations test but made a 85 due to a very spelling errors, :( ) So the first plunge is over and I sound a loud sigh of relief, I can do this. Before I go any further though, I must thank God for giving me the strength and encouragement and time to go back to school, and the brainpower. Plus to all my encouraging friends, you rock!
Now my thoughts are turned to my "real" day to day life which is disheartening to say the least. All i will say is please pray for a miracle in my Life. That's all I will say.

Thanks for stopping by!


**TRACY** said...

way to go!!!! You're doing great, fantastic, wonderful!

Chrissy said...

It's been a while since I've worried about grades, well, probably since you did last. Congratulations on doing well.

Continuing to pray for you!